Table for the 30 triples with object data:CIG-DB sorted by label

data:ACE with myocardial infarction within 36hvocab:partOf
data:Avoid ACE inhibitors when pregnantvocab:partOf
data:Avoid ARBs when pregnantvocab:partOf
data:Consider ACE inhibitors if stable anginavocab:partOf
data:DM1 and ages 12+ should screenedvocab:partOf
data:DM1 and microalbuminuriavocab:partOf
data:DM2 should screenvocab:partOf
data:Metformin with DM2 and overweightvocab:partOf
data:No exercise with complications and no medical reviewvocab:partOf
data:No piaglitazone if heart failurevocab:partOf
data:Pioglitazone can be added to metformin and sulphonylureas therapyvocab:partOf
data:Scan retinas at least annuallyvocab:partOf
data:Scan retinas at least each trimestervocab:partOf
data:Scan retinas more oftenvocab:partOf
data:Self monitor when using insulinvocab:partOf
data:Self monitoring not necessary for DM2vocab:partOf
data:Simvastatin for DM1 and ages 40+vocab:partOf
data:Stop metformin, if intolerantvocab:partOf
data:Stop sulphonylureas, if intolerantvocab:partOf
data:Sulphonylureas if not overweight, or intolerant or contraindications for metforminvocab:partOf
data:Type 1 should exercise regularlyvocab:partOf
data:Type 2 should exercise regularlyvocab:partOf
data:Use pioglitazone if intolerant for metforminvocab:partOf
data:Use pioglitazone if intolerant for sulphonylureasvocab:partOf
data:With intensive insulin therapy, stop sulphonylureavocab:partOf
data:simvastatin for DM12 and risks and ages under 40vocab:partOf
data:use ACE inhibitor for antihypertensivevocab:partOf
data:use ARB if ACE inhibitor intolerantvocab:partOf
data:use calcium channel blockervocab:partOf
data:use thiazide diureticvocab:partOf