Local view for "http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/drugbank/resource/drugs/DB08830"

PredicateValue (sorted: none)
"Dehydroascorbic acid is made from the oxidation of ascorbic acid. This reaction is reversible, but dehydroascorbic acid can instead undergo irreversible hydrolysis to 2,3-diketogulonic acid. Dehydroascorbic acid as well as ascorbic acid are both termed Vitamin C, but the latter is the main form found in humans. In the body, both dehydroascorbic acid and ascorbic acid have similar biological activity as antivirals but dehydroascorbic acid also has neuroprotective effects. Currently dehydroascorbic acid is an experimental drug with no known approved indications. "
"Dehydroascorbic Acid"

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