Local view for "http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/drugbank/resource/drugs/DB02980"

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" experimental This compound belongs to the pyrimidine 2'-deoxyribonucleosides and analogues. These are compounds consisting of a pyrimidine linked to a ribose which lacks an hydroxyl group at position 2. Pyrimidine 2'-deoxyribonucleosides and Analogues Organic Compounds Organooxygen Compounds Carbohydrates and Carbohydrate Conjugates Glycosyl Compounds Pyrimidones Hydropyrimidines Tetrahydrofurans Oxolanes Secondary Alcohols Polyamines Ethers pyrimidone hydropyrimidine pyrimidine oxolane tetrahydrofuran secondary alcohol ether polyamine alcohol organonitrogen compound amine logP 0.66 ALOGPS logS -2.8 ALOGPS Water Solubility 5.28e-01 g/l ALOGPS logP 0.25 ChemAxon IUPAC Name [(2S,3R,5R)-3-hydroxy-5-(5-methyl-2,4-dioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidin-1-yl)oxolan-2-yl]methyl disulfanylphosphinate ChemAxon Traditional IUPAC Name [(2S,3R,5R)-3-hydroxy-5-(5-methyl-2,4-dioxo-3H-pyrimidin-1-yl)oxolan-2-yl]methyl disulfanylphosphinate ChemAxon Molecular Weight 354.34 ChemAxon Monoisotopic Weight 354.010914114 ChemAxon SMILES CC1=CN([C@H]2C[C@@H](O)[C@H](COP(S)(S)=O)O2)C(=O)NC1=O ChemAxon Molecular Formula C10H15N2O6PS2 ChemAxon InChI InChI=1S/C10H15N2O6PS2/c1-5-3-12(10(15)11-9(5)14)8-2-6(13)7(18-8)4-17-19(16,20)21/h3,6-8,13H,2,4H2,1H3,(H,11,14,15)(H2,16,20,21)/t6-,7+,8-/m1/s1 ChemAxon InChIKey InChIKey=KMPXQZWMYQHTNT-GJMOJQLCSA-N ChemAxon Polar Surface Area (PSA) 105.17 ChemAxon Refractivity 74.27 ChemAxon Polarizability 31.78 ChemAxon Rotatable Bond Count 4 ChemAxon H Bond Acceptor Count 5 ChemAxon H Bond Donor Count 4 ChemAxon pKa (strongest acidic) 0.87 ChemAxon pKa (strongest basic) -3.2 ChemAxon Physiological Charge -2 ChemAxon Number of Rings 2 ChemAxon Bioavailability 1 ChemAxon Rule of Five true ChemAxon Ghose Filter true ChemAxon PubChem Compound 46936547 PubChem Substance 46505644 PDB THS BE0001587 Nuclease P1 Penicillium citrinum # Overington JP, Al-Lazikani B, Hopkins AL: How many drug targets are there? Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2006 Dec;5(12):993-6. "Pubmed":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17139284 # Imming P, Sinning C, Meyer A: Drugs, their targets and the nature and number of drug targets. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2006 Oct;5(10):821-34. "Pubmed":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17016423 unknown Nuclease P1 Involved in hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds Hydrolyzes only single stranded DNA and RNA without apparent specificity for bases Secreted protein None 4.52 29227.0 Penicillium citrinum UniProtKB P24289 UniProt Accession NUP1_PENCI Deoxyribonuclease P1 EC Endonuclease P1 >Nuclease P1 WGALGHATVAYVAQHYVSPEAASWAQGILGSSSSSYLASIASWADEYRLTSAGKWSASLH FIDAEDNPPTNCNVDYERDCGSSGCSISAIANYTQRVSDSSLSSENHAEALRFLVHFIGD MTQPLHDEAYAVGGNKINVTFDGYHDNLHSDWDTYMPQKLIGGHALSDAESWAKTLVQNI ESGNYTAQAIGWIKGDNISEPITTATRWASDANALVCTVVMPHGAAALQTGDLYPTYYDS VIDTIELQIAKGGYRLANWINEIHGSEIAK PF02265 S1-P1_nuclease function catalytic activity function hydrolase activity function nucleic acid binding function hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds function nuclease activity function binding function endonuclease activity process metabolism process cellular metabolism process nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism process DNA metabolism process physiological process process DNA catabolism "

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