Instances of class vocab:PreconditionType sorted by label

data:(DM 1 or DM 2) and other risk factors and under 40 years5
data:*(~12+, 40-)4
data:Age 40+ and age 40-4
data:DM 1 and age 12+4
data:DM 1 and age 40+4
data:DM 1 or 2 and taking insulin and educated5
data:DM 1 or DM 24
data:DM 2 and taking blood glucose lowering drugs (except sulphonylureas)5
data:DM1 and DM21
data:DM1 and has hypertension4
data:DM1 and hypertension and ACE Inhibitor intolerant5
data:DM1 and microalbuminuria4
data:Has DM type 2 and is overweight4
data:Has existing complications and did not have medical review4
data:Hypertension or retinopathy or poor glycaemic control5
data:Is or wants to become pregnant4
data:Is or wants to become pregnant and (poor glycaemic control, hypertension or retinopathy)4
data:Knowledge base1
data:Metformin and sulphonylureas therapy4
data:Myocardial infarction and within 36h4
data:No medical review3
data:Not (DM1 and DM2)1
data:Not age 12+3
data:Not age 40+3
data:Not age 40-3
data:Not overweight3
data:Not overweight or has contraindications or intolerance for metformin5
data:Not taking sulphonylureas3
data:Not( age 40+ and age 40-)3
data:Not(~40+ and ~40-)3
data:~(*(~12+, 40+))3
data:~40+ and ~40-4